August 19, 2013

"How to Stop Choking Under Pressure" by Jeff Haden

Here are main points from the article written by one of my favorites!

How to Stop Choking Under Pressure
1. Practice the Basics
    * Run through it several times and smooth out the kinks
    * Make sure you can perform on autopilot
    * Think about the most likely questions or interruptions and rehearse responses

2. Rework the Basics
    * Change up the order so you know it backwards and forwards

3. Practice the "What Ifs"
    * Prepare for things that can make you freeze

4. Visualize
    * Mentally rehearse, and rehearse how you will react to the "what ifs"

5. Create Solution "Shelves"
    * Store your mentally rehearsed reactions for later use so you don't have to think on your feet

6. Learn From Close Calls
    * Close calls let you learn painlessly
    * Visualize the solution afterwards and put it on your Solution "Shelf" for later use

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