April 29, 2015

Body Language

One of the many things that interest me is learning how to interpret body language. I realize it is more of an art than a science, but hey - if it can help me better understand how someone is communicating, then so much the better! So here are a few hints I picked up:
  1. Pupils
    When people are interested or in favor of something, their pupils involuntarily dilate. When not interested or "closed off" their pupils constrict.
  2. Hand Steeple
    (Placing the fingers together, forming a steeple.) People use this to denote strength or confidence. Used too much, however, it comes across as arrogance.
  3. Deceptive Touch
    Quick gesturing to facial features (such as touching the nose or ear) may denote deception or lack of surety. If the touch lingers or the whole hand is used (a la rubbing a beard or chin), they are pondering trust in what or who they hear.

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