October 7, 2014

Thinking in New Boxes by Alan Iny

Here I quickly summarize a great little 5-point strategy for solving any issue, as presented by Alan Iny in his book, "Thinking in New Boxes: A New Paradigm for Business Creativity":
  1. Doubt Everything. Question all aspects of the problem.
  2. Research. Gather any relevant data and use it to refine the problem.
  3. Generate Ideas. Spend a day doing exercises such as imagining joint ventures and coming up with specific words to describe your company. Use those new perspectives to brainstorm for solutions.
  4. Introduce Reality. Take the best solutions and apply constraints. Choose the best idea.
  5. Implement, and Re-evaluate Relentlessly. Ideas are time-stamped. Foster and environment of healthy doubt. Return to Step 1 as needed.

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